Credit: Art Department Assistant
The Red Dwarf Special aired in April 2020 and was also published in the March 2020 edition SFX Magazine. It was an amazing experience to work on a show that I grew up watching.
Working closely with the designers I organised visuals for construction/set decoration meetings, ordered materials, prepared props/set decoration for re-branding, booked rigging used to create the throne in the Feral Cat Ship and performed administration tasks.
I supported the prop buyer with petty cash buying, was involved with making some props/set decoration including the Peacock fan for the Feral Cat Throne room, cable bundles for the Cat Escape Ship, and liaised with standby crew for last minute action prop requests and/or solutions to issues.
On set and also between rehearsals I was assistant to scenic painters in the Red Dwarf corridors, Cargo Bay, SS Iron Star, Cat Escape Ship and Science Lab - I was responsible for buying and spray painting vacuum plastic for textured walls and computer consoles, as well as dressing interiors and set decoration with warning tape. I also assisted dirtying down interiors and set decoration to the effect of aged metal and spray painting surfaces prior to graphics.
Production Designer: Dominic Roberts
Art Director: Greg Hewitt
Prop Buyer: Elizabeth Slater
Art Director: Greg Hewitt
Prop Buyer: Elizabeth Slater
Company Credits
Produced by and Copyright of Baby Cow Productions for Dave
Produced by and Copyright of Baby Cow Productions for Dave